Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why I'm Taking 305

     My name is Aaron Berecka and I signed up for RTF 305 because as an RTF major it seemed like the thing to do (and it is required). Admittedly I had no idea what "Media Studies" was, but I was pleasantly surprised on Wednesday to find out that is actually a fairly intriguing subject. I'm looking forward to gaining a better understanding of how media and society interact, as well as how one views the other, as well as taking a class that involves watching (and thinking) about movies and documentaries. One last thing: I have never read and certainly never contributed to a blog, so I'm looking forward (with some amount of nervousness) to exploring this particular aspect of the class as well. Sadly this means I've no idea of a link to contribute. Anyways, off to do step No. 12.